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“Resourceco Asia Malaysia has achieved ten years of providing Zero-waste solutions to Malaysian waste generators. That means more than 250,000,000 kg of waste diverted from landfills or the environment, repurposed to replace non-renewable natural resources. For bringing us there, we thank all our customers, employees, supporters as well as those who challenged us along the way!”


- Pavel Cech​

Managing Director 

ResourceCo Asia

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Two of U4B's partners ResourceCo Asia Sdn Bhd and Australian Textiles Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd recently signed an agreement for ResourceCo to collect ATMM's textile waste, thus making ATMM Malaysia's first and only Zero Waste ISO Certified Used Textile collector in Malaysia. 

This is a great step in the right direction and Upcycle4Better is proud to work with both companies to provide a sustainable option that supports the community and every day people. 

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Lifeline Clothing Malaysia Sdn Bhd (LLCM) collect unwanted textiles in Malaysia. They do that through the many collection bins dotted around Malaysia but also by working closely with communities and holding events. 


The Baju kurung used for this upcycling initiative, collected by LLCM, are mostly made from polyester, therefore making it difficult to recycle, hence the birth of U4B upcycled baju bags.





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Australia Textiles Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd (ATMM) sorts the used textiles into over 500 different categories in Port Klang, Malaysia.


Every week they receive tonnes of brightly coloured Baju Kurung. The Baju Kurung will either come as a pair or as a single item.

Due to the size of the fabric used in Baju Kurung, it makes it easier for our cutters and sewers to work with and helps us offer consistency.

Australian Textiles Manufacturing Malaysia is the only ISO-certified textile processing company in Malaysia.

They work with numerous talented designers in Malaysia who create the patterns and designs so that they can cut the baju kurungs in house,  making the end product more environmentally friendly, as waste
material is recycled instead of thrown away,




We have agreements in place with academies, sewing schools and various members of the B40 class in Malaysia for them to stitch and make our baju kurung bags. 


This means that with your purchase, you are supporting an everyday person who can then in turn, support their family.

Our bags are by the people, for the people

Textile Facts

"27% of Malaysians have thrown away clothing after wearing it just once"

"7/10 Malaysians confessed to throwing clothes away during in one year"

"In Malaysia, it is estimated 2 tons of textiles are thrown away every day"

Source :

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